Ultimate Scheming System

Chapter 1813

Because he was already ready to take part in the Tianmen competition, the holy moon hall had already prepared everything, gathered people and horses and set out directly.

This group of horses is extremely powerful. Led by the nishang fairy, there are three friars at the peak of xianzun, as well as four friars at the later stage of xianzun. In addition, Xu que is in the middle stage of xianzun, but the actual combat power has surpassed the friars at the peak of xianzun.

This lineup, if placed in Tianzhou, can run rampant.

Because this place for the trial of the gods is specially set by the gods for the trial of future generations, there is no limit in the realm, but only in the number of people.

No more than seven people are allowed to enter each party.

Each side has twelve disciples, so there are only seven contestants in the Tianmen competition.

As for the other disciples, they either didn’t want to participate or there were not enough places, so they had to wait outside.

About a day later, they arrived at the place of God’s trial.

The place of trial is located at the boundary of Yongzhen immortal domain, and also at the boundary of the other three immortal domains, which is called the sea of chaos.

It was originally located at the common junction of the four immortal regions, so it was not under the jurisdiction of the four immortal regions.

A large number of evil friars, or the notorious generation in the immortal domain, all gather here.

There are no rules here, only the rule of respecting strength.

However, due to the emergence of the place of God’s trial, all parties gathered here. Those free friars suddenly felt miserable.

Even though their accomplishments are not low, they are all top figures from all sides. If they choose one at random, they can hang themselves up and fight.

Forced by helplessness, he had to escape from the other side and resent unceasingly in his heart.

When Xu Wei and his party arrived, the other three friars in the immortal domain had been waiting here. Only when the friars in Yongzhen immortal domain arrived, they were ready to open the entrance to the sea of chaos.

The monks present were clearly divided into four camps. Xu que didn’t feel the breath of Er Gouzi and Duan Jiude among these people. He contacted Er Gouzi with communication jade and didn’t respond.

Although the sea of chaos has the word “sea”, it is not the sea. It is most appropriate to describe it with chaos and emptiness.

The power of space here is extremely violent. It is difficult for even xianzun to walk in it.

In these void, there are huge stones floating from nowhere, enough for thousands of monks to live in them.

The monks once lived on these stones.

Under the leadership of the nishang fairy, the people fell on one of the stones. Looking around, it was deserted. Only in the furthest distance, there was a huge black vortex.

Outside this vortex, there are friars in the four immortal regions, located on all sides, waiting for the Tianmen competition to open.

“Shit, who has news about Er Gouzi and Duan Jiude? I charge a high price!” A strong man suddenly shouted, “I was almost killed by these two goods on my way!”

This remark immediately aroused the response of everyone.

“I’ll take it too!”

“Stop talking. This is our teleportation array. When you meet these two people, you will summon us immediately! I swear to tear them to pieces! ”

“Taoist friend, take me one. These two goods deceive people too much! What organization is the fried heaven Gang? How can there be such shameless members? ”

Xu que recited the Buddha’s name and silently stood behind the nishang fairy.

Mom, this is so embattled

Xu Wusi had no doubt that if he revealed that he was a member of the fried heaven sect at this time, he was afraid that he would be torn to pieces by these angry friars.

What did Er Gouzi and Duan Jiude do to these people

Out of curiosity, Xu que asked the friar of the holy Moon Temple to inquire for himself.

The news I got was amazing.

Not only steal people’s treasure house, but also kidnap other people’s disciples for extortion.

At the same time, they also sold fake treasure maps, which made many people cry for their parents.

“Master Tang, these two dogs and Duan Jiude are abominable.” A female nun was indignant and said, “compared with master Tang, they are the difference between bright moon and firefly!”

“Amitabha, benefactor, I’m flattered. I just have a sense of justice in my heart.”

Xu Ke’s mouth was turned away in his heart. What’s the cultural level? According to what you say, those two goods are pit force. Don’t you say that he is a bigger pit force?

The crowd came to the black vortex and was immediately greeted by friars.

After all, the holy moon hall is also a major force in the Yongzhen immortal domain. In addition, the nishang fairy is a famous immortal Yunzhou. Even if the friars participating in the Tianmen competition are arrogant, they still have to take the initiative to visit.

However, many friars were surprised that the nishang fairy was present.

After all, in those years, nishang fairy voluntarily gave up her qualification to participate in the Tianmen competition and chose to become the eldest martial sister of the holy moon hall. On weekdays, he lived in seclusion and went out of the hall. He was also a disciple of the Immortal Emperor. Many people had never seen the nishang fairy. The nishang fairy also brightened the eyes of these monks, with extraordinary temperament and beautiful appearance. Both cultivation and appearance belong to the best of the disciples I didn’t expect that this time it was the fairy of nishang who came to see me. It’s really our honor. ” It is said that the master sister of the holy moon hall has excellent cultivation and extraordinary appearance. She is really the object of our generation. ” I heard that all the female practitioners in the holy moon hall are gorgeous. When I saw them today, they really deserve their reputation. ” Wait, why is there a bald head in the holy Moon Temple? Is that a monk? ” It seems that... When did the holy Moon Temple recruit monks? ” Didn’t it say that the holy moon hall didn’t accept male disciples since a few years ago? It turns out that you can join as a monk. Damn it, I didn’t think of it. ” Everyone was still complimenting the fairy, but soon they were attracted by the shiny bald head. The key is that the monk seems to have a high status and is surrounded by several nuns of the holy Moon Temple. It’s enviable What happened? ” What is the origin of the monk? ” Wait, it’s said that a Buddhist son visited the holy Moon Temple recently. Is that him? ” Are you talking about the Buddha who slept all over the holy Moon Temple? ” Where did you get the news? What I heard was that the Buddha and Dongwu got up and slept. They fell in love with each other for a long time and have formed a Taoist couple. ” what the fuck! Your news is even more unreliable, okay! ” I... “listening to the comments of the people, Xu que vaguely felt something was wrong. Shit, listen to the outrageous degree of this rumor, how do you feel like the style of Er Gouzi

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