Ultimate Scheming System

Chapter 1811

Rao Shixu was stunned by Dongwuqi’s performance when he had seen big winds and waves.

Finally, under his kind words, he finally persuaded Dongwuqi back.

Before leaving, Dongwuqi was still a little embarrassed and told Xu que not to tell about it.

Xu que looked righteous: “Amitabha, I’m a disciple of Buddhism. Isn’t I the kind of person with a big mouth? Don’t worry, my host, I’m the most strict. If you don’t believe it, you can. I can use the lives of my martial brothers as a guarantee! ”

With Xu Ke’s assurance, Dongwuqi left at ease.

Halfway through, he suddenly felt something was wrong.

Didn’t Tang Sanzang say that his martial brothers were dead?

Xu que sent Dong Wuqi away. He was quite moved: “there were frequent metamorphosis in the door this day. I have to pick rou’er back quickly.”

So he went directly to nishang fairy’s residence and asked when the Tianmen competition would begin.

Nishang fairy is in the room watching the information from all parties. Xiumei is weak and can’t understand it.

“Elder martial sister, why are you so worried?” Seeing this, the nun asked with concern.

The nishang fairy waved the information on the table and whispered, “I don’t know why the other three friars of Tianmen have rushed to Yongzhen immortal region together recently. Is there any action?”

The four heavenly gates have always had a bad relationship. Nishang fairy couldn’t help worrying.

If these people attack Nantianmen city together, I’m afraid they can’t stop it even if they are in the city.

“Forget it, you order to go down and let the disciples of the holy moon hall keep an eye on those foreign monks. If there is any change, you must report it in time.” The nishang fairy said.


The nun turned and left, walked with her front foot, and then came to the door with her rear foot missing.

“Amitabha, I’ve seen the fairy in neon.” His hands clasped, with a sacred and dignified expression.

Seeing Xu que, the nishang fairy immediately thought of her experience that night, and her cheeks couldn’t help floating a touch of crimson.

Xu que was stunned when he saw this.

What happened?

How did the woman look like a girl in spring when she saw Ben Pusheng?

Can it be said that Ben forced saint to become handsome again recently, and he has reached the point where he will move his heart with a glance?

Alas, it’s a sin, sin

“I don’t know if master Tang is looking for me, but what’s the matter?” The fairy pressed down her mind and asked.

Xu Fuqing cleared his throat and asked, “Amitabha, I want to know when the Tianmen competition started?”

Nishang fairy looked stunned: “master, do you want to participate?”

She thought that Tang Sanzang was just looking for trouble for ER Gouzi and Duan Jiude.

“Didn’t I say?” Xu lacked a subconscious way, turned to a solemn look and said seriously, “to tell you the truth, the poor monk has received news recently that the two dogs and Duan Jiude seem to have sneaked into the friars and tried to destroy the Tianmen competition. The poor monk thought how to let the conspiracy of these two shameless people succeed, so I have this question!”

Nishang fairy suddenly changed her face and thought of the gathering of the three Tianmen friars.

No wonder... It turned out that these two guys were behind the scenes!

From nishang fairy’s point of view, it is impossible for others to instigate the monks of the other three Tianmen to come, except for two deceptive demons whose eloquence is better than cultivation, er Gouzi and Duan Jiude.

In this way, everything is clear.

Xu Xu is a little confused.

What did I remind you?

I just came to ask when the Tianmen competition will start!

But of course he wouldn’t reveal his ignorance. Instead, he said, “since the fairy understands, the poor monk won’t say more. I will try my best to participate in the Tianmen competition at that time.”

“Thank you, master. The Tianmen competition will begin in three days. At that time, some disciples in the hall will inform you.”

Before leaving, Xu que suddenly remembered something and turned back to remind him.

“Fairy, it seems that the host friend has a strange disease recently. Please remind the monks in the hall not to be affected by it.” Xu Xu lowered his voice and said, “he seems to be a shaking M.”

“What is shaking m?” The nishang fairy didn’t understand.

Xu que thought for a moment and explained, “well... It’s a physiological disease with strong infectivity. It’s said that this disease can only occur if you mess with the relationship between men and women.”

Nishang fairy turns pale when she hears the words. Even friars will be infected with the disease. How terrible it must be!

Therefore, rumors about Dongwuqi’s disorderly relationship with men and women spread vigorously in the four heavenly gates.

“Have you heard that Dongwu has an infectious disease that monks will be infected with!”

“I heard that Dongwuqi got an infectious disease because of his promiscuous relationship with men and women!” Let me tell you, I heard that Dongwu has withered! ” what? Dongwuqi is gone! ” Three days later, when Dongwuqi reappeared in front of the crowd, countless sympathetic eyes greeted him A friar belonging to the magic cloud immortal domain came forward, patted him on the shoulder and said comfortingly: “elder martial brother Dong, don’t be depressed. Even if you can’t find a Taoist partner in the future, you are still the best elder martial brother Dong in our heart!” Yes, elder martial brother Dong, men shouldn’t stick to these little things. ” The pursuit of the avenue is the lifelong pursuit of our friars! ” Elder martial brother Dong, you must cheer up! ” Dongwu looked confused and didn’t know what these people were talking about. When he found out the beginning and end of the matter, he only felt a burst of blood rolling in his body and chest tightness Tang Sanzang! I don’t agree with you from Dongwu! ” With that, a mouthful of old blood gushed out, his eyes were black, and he fainted directly to the ground Ah! Elder martial brother Dong fainted again! ” Come on, come on, come on! Carry it down for treatment! ” This dizziness further confirmed the fact that Dongwuqi was very sad because he lost his masculine style, resulting in physical weakness. Soon, there was nothing to do. Dongwu got the nickname and spread the four heavenly gates. As for Xu que, because sleeping everywhere in the holy Moon Temple makes the vitality of these places flourish, which also leads to rumors Have you heard that you can improve your accomplishments by sleeping with the Buddhist monk Tang Sanzang. ” Really? What I heard is that Tang Sanzang can absorb other people’s accomplishments by sleeping. ” Wait, Dongwuqi can’t do it. Can you say... “Lying trough! This is really possible! ” The so-called three people become tigers, countless rumors will eventually become beyond recognition after word of mouth. When Xu Ke stepped out of the room that day, the latest rumor he learned has evolved into “Dongwuqi was sucked away by men because he slept with Tang Sanzang!” Xu Ke gushed out his old blood directly. Shit! Which bastard spread the rumor

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