Ultimate Scheming System

Chapter 486 - Long Time No See!


Xu Que was beating Sect Leader Zhang Dan Shang to a pulp. Everyone was greatly shocked and had their eyes fixed on the gruesome scene.

Zhang Dan Shan no longer looked human. His white robe had been made red by his own blood. His head looked more like a horrific pig face than a handsome middle-aged man. Xu Que had beaten him so bad that his facial features were beyond recognition.

Xu Que’s black robe the only thing that what recognizable. If someone else were to walk into the room, they would have never believed that the bloody figure on the ground was Sect Leader Zhang Dan Shan.

The body had stopped moving. Zhang Dan Shan was dead. This gave everyone the creeps.

A mighty Sect Leader at level six of the Infant Transformation Stage was beaten to death just like that!?

Wasn’t his physique strengthened by the Genuine Fire Energy?

Why was he defeated so easily? Xu Que killed Zhang Dan Shan with just his fists!

Two cries pierced the silence.


“Sect Leader!”

Two of the elders of the Celestial Sect were painfully sad. They couldn’t believe their Sect Leader was killed in such a way.

Their beloved leader! He was a powerhouse at level six of the Infant Transformation Stage! He was the backbone and cornerstone of the Celestial Sect! His death meant the extinction of the Celestial Sect!

However, the six other elders of the Celestial Sect backed away. These six elders had been hired by Zhang Dan Shan to strengthen the sect. Therefore, the Celestial Sect didn’t mean much to them. Seeing Zhang Dan Shan killed like this, they wanted to disassociate themselves from the Celestial Sect to avoid punishment from the Exploding Heavens Faction.

The two devoted elders of the Celestial Sect were shedding many tears because of their profound feelings concerning the loss of their sect and their leader. When Zhang Dan Shan began cultivating in seclusion, many disciples left the Celestial Sect. Even some elders left the sect. It was these two elders who had gone through painstaking efforts to keep the sect running.

Zhang Dan Shan had just completed his secluded cultivation. The Celestial Sect was on the verge of being revitalized. But now the Sect Leader had been killed. This turn of events devastated the faithful elders.

“Sect Leader, we will avenge you by sending this woman to be your companion in the lower world.”

The two elders of the Celestial Sect stared at Su Yun Lan ferociously.

Although Su Yun Lan had also reached the Original Infant Stage, the two elders had reached level six and level seven of the Original Infant Stage respectively. Therefore, they were much stronger than Su Yun Lan.

They dashed at Su Yun Lan from two directions. Their movements were as quick as lightning.

Some people belonging to the Great Change Sect began to shout.

“Oh, no!”

“Be careful, Sect Leader Su!”

The three elders of the Great Change Sect stepped out to protect Su Yun Lan.


Hardly had the two elders of the Celestial Sect approached Su Yun Lan when Xu Que’s Thunder Illusion Body stabbed one of the Celestial Sect elders in the chest with his sword. A second later, Xu Que released a purple and golden lightning bolt which struck the other elder between his eyes, killing him instantly.

Xu Que was now so powerful that he could easily kill a cultivator at the Original Infant Stage. He even didn’t need his buster sword. He only needed a tiny portion of his thunder essence to finish the job.

The crisis had been averted in the blink of an eye. The strength of Xu Que and his Thunder Illusion Body had impressed the onlookers yet again.

The six elders of the Celestial Sect were consumed by fear.

Maybe only the sovereigns of the Exploding Heavens Faction are able to have such sensitive reaction time and lightning speed.

What was even more impressive was that only Xu Que and Hua Wu Que had attacked. If the members of the Exploding Heavens Faction had attacked together, not even all of the cultivators of the Five Nations put together could stop them.

This formidable organization is truly horrifying!

The six elders of the Celestial Sect began to plead with Xu Que.

“Faction Leader Xu, we were hired by Zhang Dan Shan to join the Celestial Sect temporarily. Please have mercy and forgive us!”

“That’s right! Faction Leader Xu, we were forced to come here. Now that Zhang Dan Shan is dead, we will not stay in the Celestial Sect. Please spare our lives.”

Seniority meant nothing amongst cultivators in this world. Only the powerhouses were respected. Although the elders were older than Xu Que, their cultivations were no match for his. Therefore, no one was surprised by their submissiveness.

However, Xu Que wasn’t planning on letting them get off that easy. After all, they had participated in Zhang Dan Shan’s plans to force Leader Su into marriage.

Xu Que raised his eyebrows slightly and smiled coldly.

“No. You shall stay in the Celestial Sect. From now on, the Celestial Sect shall serve the Great Change Sect, otherwise, ...” Xu Que paused.

Ye Liang Chen of the Exploding Heavens Faction, who was standing behind Xu Que, finished the sentence.

“Otherwise, the Exploding Heavens Faction will use 100 torture methods on you!”

“Fck you, you cowardly sons of a btches! You hear!?” Wu Wu Kai of the Exploding Heavens Faction cursed.

The six elders of the Celestial Sect became pale. They then nodded their heads and crossed their hands.

“As you wish. We will now take over the Celestial Sect and serve the Great Change Sect!”

“Go. If I am informed about any one of you escaping, the Exploding Heavens Faction will not be merciful again. This faction has at least 1,000 members across the Five Nations. As for the members of the faction who are overseas... heh heh, I don’t think I need to mention the number,” Xu Que threatened with a smile.

The six elders became even paler.

There are at least 1,000 members of the Exploding Heavens Faction in the Five Nations?

My Gosh! Where do these people come from? Every person in this faction is so powerful! We are doomed!

The obsequious six elders of the Celestial Sect wanted to avoid punishment at all costs.

“Please be assured, Faction Leader Xu, we will never try to escape!”

“Then go back to your f*cking Celestial Sect!” Xu Que snorted.

Suddenly, Xu Que’s Soul Strength gushed out like a flood. The six elders of the Celestial Sect trembled in sheer terror. This Soul Strength was unlike any power they had ever felt!

The six elders braced themselves, mustered up their courage, and crossed their hands in a salute. They then left the Great Change Sect in a panic.

After the elders of the Celestial Sect had left, the Great Change Sect was finally at peace. However, the people in the assembly hall still kept on their toes because of Xu Que’s domineering presence.

The disciples didn’t dare to breathe the wrong way with Xu Que in the room, let alone joke with him. Before, they thought this guy was “Xiao Yan,” a person who was famous but was also amiable and approachable. Now they knew that he was Xu Que. His raw power was suffocating. No one dared to even go near him.

“OK, you are dismissed!” Xu Que shouted.

Xu Que, who never forgot about acting tough, waved his hand to the ten doppelgangers and his Thunder Illusion Body.

The eleven figures crossed their hands.

“Yes, sir!” they said in unison.

Then, Whoosh! The eleven figures were turned into smoke and disappeared instantly.

The onlookers were shocked.

No wonder they are members of the Exploding Heavens Faction! They are so fast and can disappear without a trace.

“Ahem, you are also dismissed.” Xu Que said to the three elders and the disciples of the Great Change Sect. “Why are you still here? Go back and practice your magic arts,” Xu Que said with mock severity.

All disciples of the Great Change Sect were a bit stunned. When they came to their senses, they all left the room. The three elders of the Great Change Sect then crossed their hands in reverence to Xu Que before leaving the room as well.

Only Xu Que and Su Yun Lan were in the room now. The emotions Su Yun Lan’s face displayed tension mingled with pleasant surprise.

Xu Que’s aggressive mood dissipated.

“Sect Leader Su, long time no see. Will you go on a date with me?” he said with a smile.

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