Heir of Aurelian

Chapter 150 An Average Morning In The Villa

Marcellus awoke in the morning, to the feeling of a wet kiss on his lips. This had become his custom since he had married Placidia. The young woman had always ensured that she woke up prior to her husband, just so that she could awake the man with a pleasant kiss.

After opening his eyes, Marcellus saw the woman he loved. By now her belly was visibly round, as she had been pregnant for several months. As a man who would soon be a father, Marcellus felt a deep sense of pride every time he gazed upon his wife\'s pregnant belly.

However, it was not just Placidia who was pregnant, Sigefrida also carried his child. The icy beauty lied asleep next to the husband and wife. Though she was the leader of the Frumentarii, she liked to get her beauty sleep, and did not rise in the dawn like her lover.

As much as Marcellus wanted to pin Placidia beneath him, and ravage her like a beast, he chose not to. After all, there was much work that needed to be conducted, and he simply did not have the time to make love to his wife every morning. Thus, he kissed the woman passionately, before rising to a seated position, where Placidia had already scampered off to get the man some clothes..

Throughout his entire life, Marcellus always had slaves to dress him. However, upon getting married, Placidia enjoyed doing that task herself. Even though Sigefrida found it a bit insulting, as it was a task she herself once fulfilled. She would much rather sleep, and thus she ultimately paid it no mind.

After dressing Marcellus in his clothing and armor, the man walked out of the room, with his wife in hand. There was a simple question on his mind, one that he was not afraid to voice.

"So, how are the kids doing?"

Placidia was in fact only a few years older than the eldest of the four children they had just adopted. However, she was still their aunt, and was legally an adult. As such, she had some form of authority over the kids. Yet, they were still adjusting to life in the city of Rome. After all, when compared to the city of Constantinople, the west really did not compare. After careful thought, Placidia responded honestly to her man.

"They are adjusting well, though Pulcheria seems to be rather concerned about your soul."

The young woman giggled slightly before making a joke at Marcellus\' expense.

"I think she likes you!"

In response to this, Marcellus merely scoffed and groaned before expressing his truest thoughts.

"Just what I need... Well, whatever, as long as she doesn\'t hate me, then everything is fine. Tell the slaves to make breakfast. I\'m not going to work until I have some food in my belly..."

Placidia giggled once more, before running ahead of Marcellus and into the Kitchen where she herself began to cook up some eggs. As she did so, she let out her thoughts in a mocking tone.

"We don\'t need the slaves. I can cook you anything you want!"

Though Marcellus was used to slaves taking care of his meals, Placidia had recently gotten into cooking, and enjoyed making meals for her man. Thus, Marcellus did not say a word, and sat down at the table while patiently awaiting his breakfast.

Not long after, the four kids ran into the room, their steps thundering down the stairs as they did so. It was almost as if the siblings were in a race to see who could reach the kitchen first. Ultimately Theodosius was the first to arrive, perhaps because his older sister let him win. However, there was a wide smirk on the boy\'s face as he proclaimed himself the winner of their little game.

"Haha! I won!"

Pulcheria smiled and rustled the boy\'s brown hair before hugging him tightly.

"Of course you did, little brother! You\'re fast and strong. One day, you will be a mighty warrior!"

Though Theodosius had surrendered his crown to Marcellus, he did not regret it in the slightest. In fact, he enjoyed his life in Rome where he could live without the worries of an adult. Since his father died a few years prior, he had been the emperor of the east, and at such a young age, the amount of responsibility he had on his shoulders was immense.

However, here in Rome, under his uncle\'s watchful eye. He was free to run around and play as a child. Thus, the boy was smiling more than he had in the past four years. Pulcheria noticed this change in the boy\'s behavior and attributed to Marcellus. Though she still found him detestable for being a godless heathen, at least he lived up to his word.

Marcellus saw the children enter the dining area, and he immediately got up from his seat to hug his little nephew. An act of which caught Pulcheria\'s gaze. The Imperator lifted the boy into the air, and placed him on his shoulder while wearing a pleasant smile on his face.

"There\'s my little nephew. I never realized you were so fast, so what\'s the prize you were racing your sisters for?"

Theodosius looked at his uncle with an innocent expression before voicing his confusion.


When Marcellus heard this, he chuckled, before placing the boy back on the ground. After doing so, he lectured him with a lighthearted speech.

"If you\'re going to compete, there should always be a prize, whether it\'s a tangible item like a trophy. Or something more philosophical, like honor and glory! Since you didn\'t decide on a prize beforehand, how about I ask you aunt Placidia to bake you some cookies? So that you will always remember the sweet taste of victory."

Pulcheria was shocked when she heard these words. Was Marcellus really going to have his wife bake the boy some cookies, just because she had allowed him to win a minor race down the stairs? She was also just old enough to know the intent behind these words, as if Marcellus was inspiring the boy to be more competitive by rewarding him for his efforts.

However, she did not interject, and because of this, Theodosius jumped with joy.

"Yes! Aunty Placidia\'s cookies are the best!"

There was a reason behind this. Using his knowledge from his past life, Marcellus had introduced all kinds of dishes that were not present in this time. As a result, there were several types of delicious sweets that western Rome now had access to.

Upon hearing the boy\'s excitement Marcellus chuckled before sitting back down at the table. He motioned for the kids to do the same.

"Alright, then I\'ll ask Placidia to make you some cookies later today. It will have to wait until after breakfast. In the mean time, sit down, and I\'ll have the slaves fetch you a cup of milk."

The kids did as instructed and sat down at the table patiently awaiting. Marcellus fulfilled his promise and ordered his slaves to fetch milk for the kids, and himself. After a while, Placidia emerged from the kitchen with several plates of eggs, bacon, sausage, and pancakes.

Marcellus would spend the rest of the morning enjoying a nice breakfast with his family before getting back to work for the day. He rather enjoyed the peaceful days he had found himself in after subjugating the eastern roman empire and took advantage of every moment that he could spare for his family.

However, he knew that war was on the horizon, and it would only be a matter of time before the Sassanids attacked. Once that happened, he would once more be thrust into the brutal business of warfare.

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