Commanding Wind and Cloud

Chapter 563: Supported By All

"All of this... This..." Zence Matten had to shake his head and praise the Snake Emperor and the Bandit King. With no communication between them, these two influential figures assisted each other with their plans.

"Did the Snake Emperor think about sending Qian Jin here just when he met him?" Zence Matten thought.

"That is very possible!" Zence Matten fanned himself and began to sweat. "Even if the Bandit King Bhang Wusheng didn’t appear, he would try to arrange for Qian Jin’s visit to the demon territory. Pam Honzi is someone who is very calculative and intelligent," he thought.

The more Zence Matten thought about it, the more he felt like his hypothesis was correct. If the Snake Emperor protected Qian Jin all the time, then Qian Jin wouldn’t be taken as seriously by the other forces. After all, no one would respect a man who lived in a safe bubble.

Now, everything was different, at least on the surface. No one could see the help Qian Jin got, everyone would see a man who came to the spotlight and became powerful despite the pressure from Qian Zhanxuan, a man who couldn’t be destroyed by one of the three Ultimate Bloodlines in Zence.

"Third Brother!" Zence Matten looked up at the sky and thought, "I didn’t want to fight for the throne; I would rather have you take the throne. I know that the battle for the throne is cruel and I didn’t want to participate in it. However, I know your personality; you are someone who prefers absolute safety, and my existence is a threat to you. Since that is the case, I will become the new emperor so we brothers don’t have to kill each other!" Zence Matten breathed heavily as he thought.

The carriage that used to be fancy and was now a little broken, and it was slowly entering the city.

All the mages and warriors surrounding the carriage were confused.

"It looks like there been in a battle. Could it be that Master Feijing was under attack? Wasn’t he with Princess Lucifer Lucy?" they thought. "Master Feijing, Princess Lucifer Lucy; each one of them is powerful enough to go anywhere safely in the Demon Territory! But they are attacked together? We need to ask what happened!"

The carriage soon arrived at the building that the mayor and the influential figures inside the city prepared. Qian Jin got off of the carriage with the assistance of two demons and went directly into his room, he put up a sign and wasn’t going to see anyone.

All the influential figures inside the city clearly sensed that all the demons who got off of the carriage were severely injured!

Only Princess Lucifer Lucy was injured lightly.

"Your Highness, this..."

A demon who wasn’t that patient asked this question in the main hall.

"We were attacked." Lucifer Lucy replied with a gloomy expression.


"Who did it?"

"How dare they?"

"Do they want to die?"

For a moment, all the demons in the hall got stirred up. Lucifer Lucy looked around and sighed. If Qian Jin didn’t tell her to not tell others that it was the Seventh Prince who did this, she would use this opportunity to really damage the reputation of the Seventh Prince.

Lucifer Lucy could never forget that smile on Qian Jin’s face, she didn’t know that Qian Jin had that greedy merchant personality in him.

"I will let the Seventh Prince know that we figured out who attacked us! We will ask him to turn over all of his valuables and properties! Otherwise..."

Lucifer Lucy thought back to what Qian Jin said and knew that Qian Jin was going to blackmail the Seventh Prince. If this prince didn’t do what Qian Jin demanded, Qian Jin could simply release this information and put a ton of pressure on the prince.

There were a ton of princes! The Demon King was still healthy and strong, and he was producing a lot of baby demons every year. The Seventh Prince was only one of the many kids the Demon King had, and this prince wasn’t that significant.

However, there was only one demon who controlled both the Central Blacksmith Union and the Central Rune Union! He was Jiliu Feijing!

Under this situation, any demon who had a brain could figure out who they should support.

"It was the Black Dragon Guards!" a ferocious expression appeared on Lucifer Lucy’s face as she said others, "The Zence Empire knew that I got Master Feijing who is a powerful person as my retinue, and they were afraid of me..."

Black Dragon Guards! The demons were all shocked. Black Dragon Guards was the most secretive and most powerful group of warriors that Zence had. Except for monitoring the activities inside the Zence Empire, their duties also included gathering information on the demons and assassinating the important demon figures.

If a demon got assassinated by the Black Dragon Guards, this demon’s family would feel honored on top of the sadness. After all, only the best and most influential demons would be targeted by the Black Dragon Guards.

"Princess Lucifer Lucy? Being assassinated by the Black Dragon Guards? It means that the Zence Empire sees a lot of potential in her!"

The influential demons inside the city started to think as their expressions changed. The appearance of the Black Dragon Guards was something significant.

Lucifer Lucy looked at the expressions on the faces of these demons and felt proud. These demons in the hall were all smart individuals, they would know who to support from the look of things. Although she wasn’t able to harm the reputation of the Seventh Prince, she was able to use this hoax to increase her value and perceived status.

"That’s right!" Zence Matten fanned himself with a fatigued expression on his face and said, "Also, there is a Five-Dragon Guard among the attackers."

"Five-Dragon?" All the demons were shocked again. The Dark Group had star ranks, and the top rank was Seven-Star; the Black Dragon Guards also had ranks, and the top rank was Seven-Dragon.

"Five-Dragon is equivalent to Five-Star in the Dark Group... how powerful is that?" they thought.

"We only lived because of Master Feijing," Zence Matten yawned and said, "If it wasn’t for him who risked injuring himself and killed that enemy, we would be all dead."

"Killed that enemy?" The demons were dumbfounded! "It is said that Jiliu Feijing is a young ordinary warrior and there should be a limit to how powerful he could be right now. But he was able to defeat a Five-Dragon Guard? Damn!"

Lucifer Lucy peeked at Zence Matten and thought, "This prince easily pulled everyone’s attention back to Master Feijing. His story emphasized the mightiness of Jiliu Feijing, and Jiliu Feijing’s fame now should grow even more and be comparable to Qian Jin’s."

"This prince is really intelligent!" Lucifer Lucy suddenly got cautious. She thought that this prince was only calculative before, but after getting to know him more, she realized that his spiritual power with his high intelligence would cause a lot of trouble for the demons in the future.

"Should I let him go back to Zence alive?" Lucifer Lucy thought. "If I let him leave, he would end up killing a ton of demons. But if I kill him, then Qian Jin..." she thought, "He could potentially help Qian Jin to a large extent."

She sighed after thinking about all this. "I used to be so direct and murderous before, but this damn Qian Jin made me so hesitant and considerate! Is he now sleeping? Aren’t we all tired?" she thought.

"Damn it! So tired!" Qian Jin sighed as he got to Endless World. He thought that coming to the demon empire was only mentally exhausting, but it turned out that he was even more stressed and got worked even more compared to when he was in Zence. In just a few days, he almost got killed again and again.

After he walked into Adams shop, he didn’t say anything and chugged down a bottle of potion directly into his mouth. The effect of the potion was powerful, and all the broken bones inside his body got healed.

"All you know is to steal my potions!" Adams looked up and said, "You should learn how to make advanced potions now! Even if you don’t know how to, at least read up on it and try. There are books in that corner! Go read it yourself!"

"Oh," Qian Jin replied. He walked to the books and started to read. The process of making the potion he just drank was too complicated. He used all of the skills he acquired in the last few years and still couldn’t comprehend it.

He didn’t hurry and try to make the potions right away. He read through all the potions and decided on a No Death Potion.

Qian Jin thought that this potion could heal a person as long as that person wasn’t dead, that was what the name suggested.

Although this potion wasn’t as that powerful, it was much better than anything Qian Jin had made so far. It was very hard to make.

Study... Trial... Failure... Study... Trial... Failure...

Qian Jin failed numerous times in the last few hours, and the number of resources he used was enough to bankrupt any Pharmacist Union at any city, it was fortunate that Adams had an almost unlimited amount of ingredients at his workshop.


Qian Jin looked down at the only bottle of the potion he successfully made and sighed. He only dared to make so many errors in Endless World, and that was how he was able to make so much progress.

"The stuff I used over the years at this workshop would be able to bankrupt Pharmacist Unions over and over again. The profession of the Pharmacist is a profession built on spending a lot of resources." He shook his head and commented. He knew he was very lucky to be able to enter the Endless World, otherwise, he wouldn’t advance this quickly even if he had the best talent in the world.

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