Trafford's Trading Club

Chapter 681 - Volume 9 – Chapter 68: Panic (Part 1)

Volume 9 – Chapter 68: Panic (Part 1)

They were classmates and also good friends for many years. However, from the standpoint of business, the client company’s negotiating representative did not blindly like the second short film recommended by Zhu Maolin.

Although the second film was indeed more sensational, Shao Fei had to consider the traffic brought by the heroine’s popularity in the first film and so on.

But after a round of negotiations, Shao Fei bought the second piece of film because the second piece’s cost was not high. It could even be regarded as cheap while the quality was adequate. It was qualified to be broadcast on TV channels. With that, the advertising effect might become better.

Overall, it was a delightful meeting.

“Maolin, you have worked hard.”

After the meeting, Shao Fei came to Zhu Maolin. They tend to be chatty with each other. Shao Fei handed Zhu Maolin a cigarette. Zhu Maolin shook his head, saying that he had quit.

Shao Fei smoked by himself. The fog was a bit thick, so he opened the window. The city outside was already lit. He looked at Zhu Maolin and suddenly said, “Speaking of which, how long has it been since we two meet up?”

Zhu Maolin thought for a while and said, “It’s been more than half a year, right? It should be either April or May.”

Shao Fei was a little surprised. He smacked his lips before speaking out, “Have it been such a long time? Why do I feel like it’s only three or two months?”

Zhu Maolin nodded, “It’s been such a long time. Last time I saw you, this belly doesn’t seem to be that big.”

Shao Fei touched his stomach and laughed aloud, “People say that I will get a blessing in the middle age. However, I will only reach 30 next year. It seems to be ahead of schedule... Think about it, seven or eight years ago when I was still in college. I’m still in good health.”

“You were fit,” replied Zhu Maolin.

Shao Fei suggested, “How about we have a weekend party after finishing the advertising project? You should bring your wife along. It just so happened that I haven’t rested for a long time. The wife and children at home seldom welcome me home.”

“No.” Zhu Maolin shook his head, “I still have a project on hand. I am afraid I can’t spare any time else.”

“Work is important, but you can’t become a slave to work, right? Maolin, should you rest occasionally?” Shao Fei frowned and said, “Maolin, are you and your wife still bothered with that matter? It’s been a long time, right?”

Zhu Maolin just patted Shao Fei’s shoulder lightly, “Let’s leave it as it is. I have to go back to the company to wrap up. We will talk next time.”

“Well, it’s up to you.” Shao Fei nodded without pushing too hard.

After Zhu Maolin left, Shao Fei planned to finish smoking the cigarette. He continued to look at the city outside, thinking about his hustling after he came out of campus six or seven years ago. Those were sleepless nights.

How many people are also forgetting to sleep and eat? Those who were rushing to and fro under the neon lights. They often neglect many things in life.

He couldn’t grasp whether he gained more or lost more in the process.

It was just that he was still satisfied with his current life. Although he was a little tired, there was always some excitement that could relax him.

In short, for Shao Fei, tomorrow was always another day filled with hope and gratitude.


Tomorrow is a day filled with hope and gratitude.

This was the headline of the public service announcement. It was in the advertising column at the bus station. Hou Chen Yuhan sat here for a long time, waiting for the bus.

She was a little curious. Who was the person who came up with this headline? Did he have such a strong mentality? It took a lot of positive energy to face all the suffering and challenges to life. Or, was it just empty words pieced after multiple trials?

Perhaps, there could be someone being optimistic and positive who could overcome all challenges. After all, the population of this world was so huge.

Buses stopped in front of her and drove away one by one; some buses followed the destined routes suitable for her while some didn’t.

However, she just kept missing the bus she needed, and then looking at the bus wasn’t helpful for her. She didn’t want to move her body. The pedestrians on the road were like those time-lapse on the internet. Everyone went on with their path with their purpose.

How long had passed since then?

She somehow did not want to think about this issue; she even inclined to stop thinking. If she could quit her brain cells from functioning... Would she be able to avoid accidentally recalling those “events?”

Hou Chen Yuhan covered her face with both hands and started crying on this bustling street... Passers-by still rushed to and fro. Everything seemed to her like a silent pantomime—a one-person show by someone mysterious.

“Are you alright?”

It was a kind-hearted soul.

Hou Chen Yuhan heard the sound coming near her ear. She raised her head in reflex. The person was an aunty in her fifties, showing a caring side.

Hou Chen Yuhan shook her head and stood up. She lowered her head without saying a word and hastened her pace, sped past the kind aunty. She then wandered on the street.

This was what she experienced before coming to this place – supposedly. However, Hou Chen Yuhan did not have any idea of how she walked into this place.

The decoration here gave off a different feeling. It felt like it was a fractured time between the past and present, calming her down.

Under the swaying candlelight, a young man was looking at him with a smile. Beside him was another dream-like beauty standing beside him.

“You can buy anything here.”

This was a place where people got what they wanted. The mysterious boss explained to her the meaning of this place.

She believed it naturally as if her common sense did not deny the illogical power of this place.

“Do you want a child?” Luo Qiu looked at Hou Chen Yuhan. This was the request that felt close to her heart at the moment.

The club’s negotiations had always been like this. The guest would always say what they want at this moment. As to whether their inner wish was correct or worth it, the guest had to weigh in on their own, even if the guest would regret it later.

Boss Luo thought for a while and said, “If you want a child, why don’t you adopt one? If it’s just for emotional sustenance, there are examples of deep connection, even if not blood-related. In this case, I feel that dear guest, you don’t need to get it from us.”

From a business perspective, Hou Chen Yuhan found this boss weird. This was like persuading the guests to think twice before purchasing.

She couldn’t even tell whether the young man was kind or false-hearted.

“No. If it isn’t our child, it won’t work.” Hou Chen Yuhan shook her head. She seemed more firm than a few minutes ago.

“Then, I understand.” Luo Qiu nodded, “We have no reason to refuse a persistent guest... But let me ask again, we can give you a child that belongs to you and your husband, but the cost... ”

The boss stretched out his hand in front of Hou Chen Yuhan. A row of flower cards [1] appeared in front of her. These were all the prices she could use to pay for the service.

“As long as the selection is not made, you can still withdraw the request.” Luo Qiu reminded lastly, “But again, once a decision is made, no future changes can be made. So, we hope that dear guests can consider it carefully. After all, we are not willing to charge you the fee when you are full of hatred.”

After looking at the flower cards one by one, Hou Chen Yuhan looked at Luo Qiu with a complex expression as if she had become hesitant. The price marked in it tilted the measurement in her heart.

It was her bottom line that made her hesitate to make a decision. When there was still room for hesitation, her hesitation reflected as normal behavior.

The boss had incredible patience as he calmly waited for Hou Chen Yuhan’s decision. He didn’t urge nor gave her any advice. His calm composure merged naturally with the peacefully burning candle flame around.

“I... Can I think about it?” Hou Chen Yuhan finally did not have the courage to choose any of the flower cards.

“Of course.” Boss Luo smiled and said, “We do not force our guests. Moreover, dear guests, you do not have to worry that you will miss the opportunity. Strictly speaking, we are always on your side. If you remember that clearly, you can always...”


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